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Learn the ABCs of Education Investing

With school back in session in most of the country, many parents are likely thinking about how best...

The Sandwich Generation: Wrapping Up

Life in the sandwich generation comes with its fair share of challenges and rewards. We began by...

After College: Your Adult Kids At Home

I remember begging my parents to take me to get my driver’s license when I turned 16. At my high...

Paying for Your Kids’ College, Lessons for the Sandwich Generation

One of the biggest questions that young people of any generation face is “what happens after high...

End of Life Decisions, Lessons for the Sandwich Generation

As we wrap up the first half of our discussion on decisions facing people in the sandwich...

The Pros and Cons of Housing Options for Your Aging Parents

More than 70 percent of Americans over age sixty-five1 will need long-term care at some point in...

4 Tips for Performing a Financial Checkup with Your Aging Parents

Last time, we talked about those of us in the sandwich generation broaching the subject of personal...

3 Self-Care Tips for People in the Sandwich Generation

In years past, people taking care of both their children and their parents, often referred to as...